Tamannaah raves about Rajinikanth. Tamannaah Bhatia shared her experience of working with superstar Rajinikanth. The actor, who made quite an impression at the Lakme Fashion Week, revealed to India Today that Rajinikanth is 'the most humble person' she has ever had the privilege of meeting. Tamannaah recently appeared alongside Rajinikanth in the blockbuster film "Jailer."
Reflecting on her collaboration with the iconic star, Tamannaah expressed, "He is the most humble person I have ever met. It's beautiful to see someone who has experienced the kind of superstardom he has, yet maintains the same simplicity and innocence. That's really hard to keep intact." She had the opportunity to share the screen with Rajinikanth in the dance number "Kaavaalaa," which quickly became a hit with the audience.
During the success meet for "Jailer," Tamannaah took to Instagram to express her sentiments, saying, "Last night we celebrated! A culmination of vision, passion, and teamwork! Team Jailer... it has been an absolute honor and pleasure to be a part of this film. Congratulations to the entire cast and crew. A special shout-out to the man himself, Rajinikanth sir... working with you has been truly memorable. Nelson Dilipkumar sir, thank you for everything! Let's keep creating great stories together! Everyone at Sun Pictures, looking forward to many more collaborations together."
Tamannaah expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to work with Rajinikanth and reflected on the experience with ANI, saying, "It is a dream come true to work with him (Rajinikanth). I will always cherish the memories spent on the 'Jailer' set. He gifted me a book on a spiritual journey. It was so thoughtful of him. He had even autographed it."