Tejas trailer released. This past Sunday, on the occasion of Indian Air Force Day, the cast and creators of "Tejas" unveiled the long-awaited trailer of the film, which has been generating eager anticipation. The trailer is captivating and promises an action-packed cinematic experience. "Tejas," helmed by Sarvesh Mewara and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, features Kangana Ranaut in the lead role and is scheduled for release on October 27.
"Tejas" takes viewers on the extraordinary journey of Tejas Gill, an Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot, with the noble aim of inspiring and instilling a profound sense of pride in every Indian. It authentically portrays the unwavering dedication and the formidable challenges faced by IAF pilots as they steadfastly safeguard the nation.Distinguished as 'India's first aerial action movie,' the film's trailer commences with a thrilling sequence showcasing IAF fighter jets in combat. As the plot unfolds, it's revealed that an Indian spy has been apprehended in Pakistan, prompting Kangana's character to courageously volunteer for a daring rescue mission.
Her resolute determination to serve her country shines through as she confronts one hurdle after another. At a pivotal moment, she declares, “Every time, dialogue cannot be the solution. Sometimes, you need to fight it out with your enemy on the battlefield.”Taking to Twitter, Kangana shared the trailer with the powerful words, "Ab aasman se dushman pe waar hoga, ab jung ka elaan hoga! Ye woh Bharat hai, jisko chhedoge toh woh chhodega nahi (Now the enemy will be attacked from the sky; this is the India that won't relent if you provoke it)!”"Tejas" has been in development for several years, with its initial release date set for December 2020. Notably, the Indian Air Force stands as the pioneer among India's defense forces to induct women into combat roles, a historic decision that serves as the backdrop for the film's narrative in 2016.
The movie centers around a courageous female fighter pilot.Kangana Ranaut, who portrays the film's protagonist, dedicated four months to intensive training to master the specialized combat techniques used by the Indian forces. This marks her debut as a soldier on the silver screen.In Kangana's own words, "Frequently, the sacrifices made by our courageous women in uniform go unnoticed by the nation. 'Tejas' is a film in which I have the privilege of portraying the role of one such Air Force pilot, who places her country above all else. We aspire to instill a sense of patriotism and pride in today's youth with this movie. I eagerly anticipate embarking on this journey with Sarvesh and Ronnie."