Amitabh teaming with Tollywood director. Big B Amitabh is currently starring in Prabhas' 2898 AD and earlier he played cameos in Nagarjuna's Manam and Chiranjeevi's Sye Raa. If Amitabh stars teams with tollywood directors it will delight Telugu movie lovers.
He starred in Ram Gopal Varma's direction and also in Puri Jagannath's direction. Now reports are coming that he is impressed with another Tollywood director. Convincing the legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan to endorse a script can be an arduous task due to his unwavering preference for fresh and innovative narratives.
According to a reliable source, Amitabh Bachchan tends to collaborate with a select group of Bollywood directors, seeking the comfort of familiarity in his projects. This discerning approach stems from his desire to continually challenge himself, avoiding the repetition of roles in his illustrious career.
However, amidst his busy schedule, Amitabh had a rendezvous with a Telugu director who managed to secure an appointment to present his story. The 'Deewar' star was left astounded by the exceptional storyline narrated by Telugu director Ashok Kumar, renowned for his blockbuster Telugu film 'Bhaagamathie.' Impressed by the captivating narration, Amitabh enthusiastically greenlit this gripping entertainer, and the film is set to commence production soon.
Ashok Kumar, a talented director with a track record of diverse films like 'Chitragandha,' successfully transitioned to Bollywood by remaking his psychological thriller 'Bhaagamathie' into Hindi as 'Durgamati,' featuring Bhumi Padnekar. His work received acclaim from B-town star Akshay Kumar as well. It is noted that Ashok is dedicating more time to Mumbai, signaling his intention to explore further opportunities in Hindi cinema and establish his presence in Bollywood.
Following the paths of acclaimed Telugu directors like Ram Gopal Varma and Sandeep Vanga, Ashok Kumar is another formidable talent from the Telugu film industry striving to make a significant mark in the vibrant landscape of Hindi cinema.