Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is coming with the story of India's biggest thief, Tiger Nageswara Rao. The film is set to enthrall the audience across the country on 20th October. Directed by Vamsee, the film is produced on a large scale by Abhishek Agarwal of Abhishek Agarwal Arts. Team is promoting the film big and is trying every way to build anticipation about the film.
The theatrical trailer of the movie was unveiled recently in a grand event in Mumbai that was also attended by Ravi Teja. The makers released an Indian sign language trailer that features an anchor narrating the content in the clip. This is the first trailer in India released in sign language. Along with the other trailers, the sign language trailer also got a good response.
To Reach out to more audiences, the producer announced to release the movie in Indian sign languages on October 20th. Tiger Nageswara Rao becomes the first Indian movie releasing in the ISL language.
GV Prakash Kumar scored the music and the makers released two songs as of now. Nupur Sanon and Gayathri Bharadwaj are the heroines in the film.
The cinematography is by R Madhie ISC, while Avinash Kolla is the production designer. Srikanth Vissa is the dialogue writer. Tiger Nageswara Rao will be released in all south Indian languages and Hindi on October 19th for Dussehra.