No need to introduce Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna's pair. These two worked together for the first time for Geetha Govindam which turned out to be the biggest blockbuster in medium-range films. Their chemistry in the film looks lovely and they become the favorite pair of the audience.
Their immediate film Dear Comrade, despite turning out to be a flop at the box office, their intense chemistry is much talked about. Ever since many rumors surfaced online about their relationship. Neither Vijay Deverakonda nor Rashmika responded to such rumors.
On September 28, Rashmika Mandanna's upcoming Bollywood film, Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal released its teaser. The film is directed by Sandeep Vanga who earlier delivered the cult blockbuster Arjun Reddy with Vijay Deverakonda.
Vijay Deverakonda sharing the teaser, writes, " Wishing my Darlings @imvangasandeep @iamRashmika ❤️ And my fav RK the very best and Happy Birthday!"
To this tweet, Rashmika replied Thankyouuuuuuu @TheDeverakonda 🤗❤️You be the bestestestestttt! ❤️"
This convoy ignited a new rumor that they are in love and have yet to announce it publicly. Only time will tell the truth about such things.