The actress love for Ghosts is unveiled. With Bollywood icon Kangana Ranaut stepping into the eerie realm as a ghost in her upcoming horror thriller, Chandramukhi 2, it appears that the trend of glamorous divas taking on ghostly roles to cast a spell at the box office is gaining momentum. Sharing her unique experience of portraying this unusual character in her career, Kangana Ranaut remarked, "From day one, it was a completely different experience for me. My gait, appearance, and mannerisms took on a more feminine quality, something I had not explored in previous roles. I've delved into action-packed films before, but this is entirely new territory. I watched Jyothika's outstanding performance in 'Chandramukhi 1' and, with the guidance of director P Vasu, I stepped into her shoes. I can promise that my screams and antics will send shivers down the audience's spines," she confidently added.
Previously, other glamorous divas such as Anushka in 'Arundhathi,' Charmee in 'Manthra,' Nayantara in 'Mayuri' and 'Dora,' Trisha in 'Nayaki,' and Hansika in 'Chandrakala,' to name a few, have left audiences awestruck with their spine-chilling portrayals.
Producer-writer Kona Venkat, who introduced the trend with the horror thriller 'Geetanjali Malli Vachindi,' featuring the glamorous Anjali, explained the casting choice, stating, "Having beautiful actresses take on ghostly roles has always been a wise decision because they can showcase a range of emotions and captivate the audience. Even in ancient texts, there are mentions of Saakini and Daakini, as well as local legends about women in white sarees wandering at midnight or near dilapidated wells. Ghost stories have historically revolved around women, making it more relatable and believable for the audience, and that's why we continue to do it."
However, portraying a ghostly character comes with its own challenges and stress. Actress Nandita Swetha, who played a ghost in Ekkadi Pothavu Chinnavada and will be seen in the upcoming film O Manchi Ghost revealed, "We undergo a lot of mental stress and physical strain to deliver those screams and unconventional actions, often leading to sleepless nights. Even my family and friends noticed changes in my behavior and mentioned the unusual expressions on my face. Unlike other roles, this one tends to seep into our daily lives, and it takes about three months to fully shake off the ghostly persona and return to normalcy," she explained.
Despite the challenges, Nandita takes pride in being associated with the tag of Dhaiyyam Pilla (gorgeous ghost). "I find joy in being referred to as the gorgeous ghost, which helps us forget the hard work we put into these roles. Although I've played various characters, the ghostly role seems to stick with me," she concluded with a smile.