Parineeti-Raghav Chadha wedding celebs begin. The wedding celebrations of actor Parineeti Chopra and politician Raghav Chadha are now in full swing. The festivities officially commenced on Monday when Parineeti's Mumbai residence was adorned with a dazzling array of lights, marking the joyful beginning of their special journey. Parineeti had arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and preparations were also underway at Raghav's Delhi residence, setting the stage for a grand celebration.
A paparazzo recently offered a sneak peek of Parineeti's beautifully illuminated high-rise apartment on Instagram, captioning it with "Light Pari ke Ghar pe." Heartfelt congratulations poured in from well-wishers in the comments section, expressing their excitement ahead of the wedding.
Following a series of rituals at Raghav's Delhi home, the couple will embark on a journey to Udaipur, where the main wedding festivities are scheduled to take place on September 23 and 24. The grand union of Parineeti and Raghav is set to be held at The Leela Palace in Udaipur.
The pre-wedding celebrations feature a spirited cricket match, where the Chopras and their friends will face off against the Chadhas and their close associates on the cricket ground. The Udaipur pre-wedding function encompasses a warm welcome lunch and a 90s-themed party, promising a nostalgic and joyful atmosphere.Parineeti's actor cousin, Priyanka Chopra, is expected to grace the wedding with her presence, having previously attended the engagement ceremony in May.
The wedding's theme and color palette revolve around pastel shades, with every detail, from decor to the couple's attire, reflecting this choice. Parineeti and Raghav selected the pastel theme to align with their personalities and have encouraged their guests to follow suit.
It is revealed that the couple will don coordinated attire, and Raghav has meticulously curated several outfit options for himself, undergoing final fittings to ensure a perfect look. The bride and groom's attire is characterized by its simplicity and subtlety, intertwining elements of their love story into their wedding attire, thereby reflecting their unique personalities and journey.