Superstar Rajinikanth’s Jailer, which was released on August 10, went on to become one of the highest-grossing Tamil films ever and broke many box office records along the way. It resurrected Rajini's superstardom at the box office. Nelson Dilipkumar directed the film while Sun Pictures backed it. Anirudh composed the music.
Recently, the cast and crew of Jailer celebrated the movie’s success. During his speech at the success meet, Rajinikanth said he felt that the 'film was average before the re-recording was done', and it was Anirudh Ravichander’s music that made the movie a blockbuster. During his speech Rajinikanth said,
" I watched the film first without the re-recording. The film before the re-recording was done, was average to me too. However, how Anirudh lifted the film was, 'My God'. He transformed Jailer almost like a bride-to-be after makeup. Superb,”
While some appreciate Rajinikanth as down earth person for calling a mega-blockbuster an average to above-average film in content, some point out that his words belittled director Nelson's work who has done a great job in presenting Rajini in his elements in a character marching his age.