Superstar Mahesh Babu has ventured into movie theatre business along with Asian group. Their first collaboration AMB Cinemas multiplex was opened at Hyderabad. It became primary destination for many movie loves until recently for its state of art design and implementing cutting edge technology in projection and sound systems.
Now, Mahesh is expanding his AMB chain of theatres to Bengaluru. One of the biggest capacity theatres in the world, Kapali theatre at Gandhi Nagar area in Bengaluru was demolished three years ago. The new AMB Cinemas is being constructed at the site of Kapali theatre.
Kapali theatre was inaugurated in 1968 by then Prime Minister of India, Morarji Desai. Initially the theatre had a seating capacity of nearly 1500 which is one of the biggest theatres in the world. Many Kannada, Hindi and English films got released in Kapali theatre. Most of Dr Raj Kumar's films got released in this theatre. Shivarajkumar starrer iconic film, OM directed by Upendra was released more than 30 times in this theatre.
Mahesh Babu's AMB Cinemas which is under construction at Kapali theatre site will open it's doors for film lovers next year. This 5 or 6 screen multiplex is being equipped with latest technology. Reportedly Mahesh wants to give top priority to Kannada films at this multiplex.