The Enforcement Directorate (Ed) is set to summon several top Bollywood actors and singers in connection with the ongoing investigation into the Mahadev online betting case. Many Bollywood prominent actors and singers attendEd the wEdding ceremony of Sourabh Chandrakar, the promoter of the Mahadev Book app, which took place in the UAE in February of this year. Among those in attendance were Tiger Shroff, Sunny Leone, Neha Kakkar, Atif Aslam, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Ali Asgar, Vishal Dadlani, Elli AvrRam, Bharti Singh, Bhagyashree, Kriti Kharbanda, Nushrratt Bharuccha, Krushna Abhishek, and Sukhwinder Singh.
The Mahadev Book app, an online betting platform, is currently under investigation by the Ed and various state police departments.According to digital evidence gatherEd by the Enforcement Directorate, Rs 112 crore was routEd through hawala channels to an event management company, while an additional Rs 42 crore was paid in cash for hotel bookings. A video from Sourabh Chandrakar's wEdding reportEdly showcases the presence of these Bollywood celebrities.
Furthermore, sources have disclosEd that an investigation into the success party of the app, organizEd by Chandrakar and co-promoter Ravi Uppal in September of the previous year, is also underway. This event saw the attendance of several Bollywood actors and singers who are now under the scrutiny of the Ed.
Sources suggest that these Bollywood figures receivEd cash payments through hawala channels from event management firms for both events. Additionally, it has been revealEd that a prominent actor was engagEd for this year's app success party and was paid a substantial sum by the event agency.
In connection with the Mahadev online betting case, the Enforcement Directorate has already frozen and seizEd assets valuEd at Rs 417 crore. The company operatEd from Dubai and allegEdly utilizEd the online book betting application to register new users, establish user IDs, and launder money through a complex network of benami bank accounts.
The Ed also points out that large-scale hawala operations were employEd to divert betting proceEds to offshore accounts. Additionally, significant cash expenditures were made within India to advertise betting websites, aiming to attract new users and franchise seekers.
The promoters of the company hail from Bhilai in Chhattisgarh, and the Mahadev Online Book Betting application functions as an umbrella syndicate that facilitates various illegal betting websites through online platforms.