Vijay Deverakonda and Samantha's Kushi, a pan-indian romantic drama directed by Shiva Nirvana released in theaters on September 1, 2023, worldwide. The film opened big and with big turnout of Family audiences the film registered career best best numbers for Vijay D.
During the success celebrations at Vizag, It Vijay Deverakonda promised 1 crore from his earnings to 100 families. The actor posted a form on social media and received several requests from people all around India.
As promised, the actor will donate one lakh rupees to each of the 100 needy and poor families. Not only are the winning families from Telugu states, but also from Bangalore, Chennai, and other cities. This is the first time in India that an actor has shared his earnings with the families who have given him so much love.
Kushi is produced by Mythri Movie Makers. Hesham Abdul Wahab has composed the music. The film has released in multiple languages simultaneously.