Tovino thriller Identity goes to sets. Tovino is set to collaborate once again with the directors of "Forensic," Akhil Paul and Anas Khan, for their latest project titled "Identity." The film's shooting kicked off on Tuesday at The LaLiT Golf and Spa Resort in Goa, marking an exciting beginning. Notably, Mandira Bedi, in her Malayalam debut, completed her portions on the opening day itself.
The filmmakers have strategically planned a concise 4-5 day schedule in Goa, followed by shooting in picturesque locations like Rajasthan, Coimbatore, Kochi, Mumbai, and Kashmir.
"Identity" boasts a star-studded ensemble cast, including Trisha, Vinay Rai, Shammy Thilakan, Aju Varghese, Arjun Radhakrishnan, and Archana Kavi. The film is described as a high-octane action thriller with the potential for a nationwide appeal. Akhil Paul, one of the directors, even hinted at the possibility of turning it into a two-part project, with Mandira Bedi's character specially crafted for a potential sequel.
The production is jointly backed by Century Films and Ragam Movies, with the accomplished Akhil George as the cinematographer and Chaman Chakko handling the editing. To ensure dynamic action sequences, the team has enlisted the expertise of two distinct stunt choreographers. The film's shooting is scheduled to span 120 days, taking place over seven months, promising an exciting cinematic experience for audiences.