Nazriya enters Suriya project. Suriya and Nazriya, two prominent South Indian actors, have yet to share the screen together. Currently, Suriya is deeply engrossed in his acting career with a slate of promising projects on the horizon. The National award-winning actor is set to reunite with acclaimed filmmaker Sudha Kongara, following the massive success of 'Soorarai Pottru.'
Although the project remains untitled, it's tentatively referred to as 'Suriya 43,' marking his 43rd venture in Tamil cinema. The exciting news is that Nazriya Nazim Fahadh, the popular Malayalam actress, is reportedly onboard as the leading lady.Recent reports confirm that Nazriya Nazim Fahadh has been cast as the female lead opposite Suriya in Sudha Kongara's upcoming directorial venture.
While the production team has kept the star cast under wraps, insiders suggest that Nazriya has already signed the contract.In keeping with Sudha Kongara's tradition of performance-oriented roles, Nazriya is expected to shine in 'Suriya 43.' If these speculations hold true, this highly anticipated project will mark Nazriya Nazim Fahadh's return to Tamil cinema after a substantial break and her first collaboration with both director Kongara and Suriya.
As for Dulquer Salmaan's involvement in 'Suriya 43,' this gangster thriller is still in its initial stages. Recent updates hint at the pan-Indian star Dulquer Salmaan playing a significant role alongside Suriya, marking his debut collaboration with both the National award-winning actor and director Sudha Kongara. However, specific details about this development remain closely guarded by the actor and the film's production team.
Director Sudha Kongara, in a recent conversation with a prominent Tamil magazine, revealed her upcoming project with Suriya. She described it as more challenging than 'Soorarai Pottru' and clarified that it's not a biopic. Although it's a big-budget production, the title is yet to be decided. She expressed her enthusiasm for the project, highlighting it as her passion project, and Suriya shares her excitement.