Votu teaser released. Hrithik Saurya and Tanvi Negi are starring in a film titled Votu. The makers are promoting the film and today they released the film's teaser. Sharing the teaser the makers posted "Here's the intriguing and powerful teaser of #Votu"
The teaser starts with the importance of vote and how people celebrate the voting festival irrespective of the caste,creed, region and religion. Hrhithik Saurya and Tanvi Negi are shown falling in love in a village and at the same time, ZPTC and MPTC elections announced.
When villagers try to demand money for votes, Hrithik Saurya is seen explaining the importance of vote and they getting convinced and deciding to fight for their rights and power. The teaser sent signals that the film is a romantic entertainer in the village political backdrop.
The film comes with a tagline 'Chala Viluvainadi'. The film stars Goparaju Ramana,Lahari,Ramanlal,Satyanarayana ,Shankar Rao,Achyuth ,Lakshmi,Dorababu,Vinay Kumar,Vamsi,Pavan Nagendra,Yugandher B,Harsha N,Krishna,Praveen Kumar R in imporatnt roles.
Agasthya Boyanapalli is directing and scoring music for the film while Prajwal is handling the BGM. Rajasekhar is the cinematographer while DSRK.Prasad Rao is the editor. for the film bankrolled on Flicknine films banner.