Kannada Star Hero Shiva Rajkumar is making his debut into Pan India arena with his action spectacle, 'Ghost'. The film is billed to be the next big thing from Sandalwood. This Heist Thriller is directed by Blockbuster Film 'Birbal' fame Srini while Popular politician and producer Sandesh Nagraj is bank-rolling this biggie under his Sandesh Productions. Makers announced the release date of 'Ghost'. The film will hit the screens globally on 19th October.
Ghost' is made as an explosive action spectacle. The release date announcement is made with a captivating poster featuring Shiva Rajkumar holding a gun captioned, " When Shadows Speak... Know The Ghost Is Arriving". 'Ghost' is much anticipated for its scale and span. It already got good response for its concept motion poster and teaser.
In addition to Ghost striking promotional material, Shivanna's role in recent Blockbuster, Jailer received tremendous response which further raised the hype around the film. Team is also planning nation wide premiers from second week of October. Trailer is expected to drop in mid September.
Dialogues by Masthi and Prasanna VM. Music is composed by popular music director Arjun Janya. Cinematography by Mahendra Simha. 'Ghost' will be released in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam languages produced by top production house Sandesh Productions.