Alia Bhatt who is riding high with the latest success of her Hindi film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Orem Kahani will make her Hollywood debut with 'Heart of Stone'. She will be sharing the screen space with 'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan. The film is all set to release on August 11. The principal cast has been promoting the movie.
In one of the recent interviews, Alia is seen teaching a few lines in Telugu to her co-star Gal Gadot. She learned the lines quickly and delivered them with ease. In this viral video, Alia can be seen teaching a few lines in Telugu to her co-stars.
Alia, in the video, can be seen teaching them, "Andariki Namaskaram. Meeku naa muddulu". While Gal managed to say Andariki Namaskaram, Jamie was left spellbound. Gal Gadot earlier said she watched RRR and liked Alia Bhatt in it.
Heart Of Stone is an action-spy entertainer which stars Gal Gadot, Jamie D,ornan, and Alia Bhatt in lead roles. Alia plays a negative role in the film. The film is releasing on August 11.