YSRCP deputy floor leader Shobha Nagi Reddy on Monday asked the TDP and Congress parties to clarify their stand on Samaikhyandhra.
Speaking to reporters at the Assembly media point, Shobha Nagi Reddy said that the YSR Congress Party has made it clear during the meeting of Business Advisory Committee that it was ready to cooperate provided the House first passes a resolution in favour of keeping the State united.
She said that the legislators of both the Congress and TDP were divided on regional lines. While the MLAs from Seemandhra region were supporting the YSRCP in stalling the House, those from Telangana region want debate on Telangana Bill. Therefore, she said that both the parties should first clarify their stand on Telangana Bill.
Describing the Congress as the divided house, she said that the Congress MPs went to the extent of moving a No Confidence Motion against their own government.