The Telugu Desam Party on Sunday condemned Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and other ministers for visiting New Delhi to attend Congress party's programme at a time when thousands of people in the State were affected due to heavy rains and flooding under the impact of cyclone "Neelam".
Addressing a gathering at Pedda Chintakunta in Mahabubnagar district after resuming his "Vastunna Mee Kosam" padayatra, Tdp president N Chandrababu Naidu alleged that the Chief Minister and other ministers have spent time attending the marriage of PCC president Botsa Satyaranayana's daughter in Vizianagaram district and also to attend the AICC meeting at New Delhi. He said neither the Chief Minister nor other ministers bothered to learn about the conditions being faced by people in the rain affected areas in the State.
Naidu alleged that the government has ignored the cyclone warning and did not take appropriate measures to minimise the losses. Further, he said instead of monitoring the relief operations the Chief Minister and ministers were busy attending private functions and party meetings.
Meanwhile, while addressing a press conference at NTR Trust Bhavan in the State capital, Tdp senior leaders Bojjala Gopalakrishna and Mandava Venkateswara Rao demanded that the Chief Minister give an explanation justifying his absence from the State capital when more than five districts were under the grip of severe cyclone. They also condemned the visit of ministers to New Delhi and said that their absence clearly shows that pleasing the Congress High Command was their priority and not the people's welfare.