
Fake Entries in 1st Day AP n TG Shares!

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Fake Entries in 1st Day AP n TG Shares!
Fake Entries in 1st Day AP n TG Shares!

A young Hero has been running a lean patch for the past few years. Yet again, his movies collect big shares on the first day of their releases. However, it is known that fake shares of his films are being spread by some of the media houses. As per these fake shares, his movies stand in 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in the top ten first day grossers chart. On a whole four or five of his movies got their places in the top ten list. 

"Although he is termed as a good opener, above positions are surely wrong. Maybe to offer his fans to some josh, the Hero's close sources might be spreading these shares. But in reality, there are no takers to these figures," some observers said.
