Power Star Pawan Kalyan has showed his charity on a young rifle shooter. Going by the details, Rekha Chalicheemala, who hails from Ananthapur, is representing Andhra Pradesh and India for various events of rifle shooting. She has so far won 19 medals in different events.She is the national record holder( juniors) in 50m rifle prone event. Currently she is studying Computer Science in S.J.Polytechnic in Bangalore. She wants to participate the Olympic games to be held in 2016 in Brazil. However, her financial barriers are turning to become obstacles to reach her goal.
Lately, Rekha met Pawan Kalyan on the sets of 'Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu' at 7 acres lands of Annapurna Studio. Having understood her problem, Pawan Kalyan assured her to sponsor Rs.5 lakhs for training for the Olympic games. Earlier, Pawan Kalyan showed his charity towards character actress Pavala Syamala and an IIT topper as well. Certainly, he is a man of gestures but not words.