Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 'Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu' collected a share of Rs.38.28 crores at the end of its two weeks run. This movie has successfully crossed the full run share of Prince Mahesh Babu's 'Businessman', as the latter collected a total of Rs.38.10 crores share in its full run. Interestingly, both the movies were directed by Puri Jagannadh.
'Businessman' was a decent hit everywhere except in Overseas area, where the movie was proved to be a disaster. In other areas, the movie was sold out for a reasonable prices than CGR and obviously, the movie had entered profit zone in those areas. In contrast, CGR was sold out higher prices comparing with BM and is striving hard to get its returns back in some of the areas of the state.
CGR has got good margin of profits in Overseas, Karnataka and Rest of India. The movie is going to be safe in Nizam, Guntur and Vizag. And the movie is likely to suffer losses in a small margin in the areas such as Ceded, Nellore, Krishna, East Godavari and West Godavari. On a whole, the overall status of the movie could be regarded as an average to above average at the box office.