Rao Ramesh, the versatile artist who is waiting for a strong break through for career is still the actor who is available for each and every director and producer. Being the son of legendary Rao Gopal Rao, this new generation actor says that he can’t even match 20 percent of the talent his father had. However, the recent hits of ‘Julayi, Gabbar Singh and Pilla Zamindar’ has got him due recognition but yet in search of a fate turning flick.
‘I know my father as a popular figure in Telugu films but I don’t want to use his name for getting into movies because people will obviously compare me and I can never reach his standards. So, instead of imitating, I am inspired a lot from my father’s dialogue delivery,’ says Rao Ramesh who has a queue of projects waiting for release inclusive of ‘Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu.’ Wish that, Rao Ramesh will get busier here after.