This is one Tamil song that has taken entire India from Sangrur to Sikkim on a rage. Not just an online hit, ‘Kolaveri Di’ song has given immense boost to Dhanush and Shruti Hasan starring ‘3’ that is directed by Aishwarya R Dhanush. The song has deep meaning in butler English if listened from lyrical point of view. Unbelievably, even non Tamilians who hasn’t got the glimpse of literal meaning are enjoying it repeatedly with amusement and irritation.
‘Kolaveri’ means an urge to kill some one or an expression of deep anger. In simple, the meaning of ‘Why this Kolaveri Di’ in Mukdaa is ‘Why you are Killing Me.’ Still more filtered form, lyrics goes like
‘Why this killer rage, killer rage, killer rage, girl?
Rhythm correct.
Maintain Please. The moon is in the distance, the moon. Moon’s color is white.
Night’s background is white, the night, Night’s color is black.
Why this killer rage, killer rage, killer rage, girl?
She’s a fair skinned girl, girl’s heart is black.
Her eyes and my eyes met and my future is now dark.’