Gautham, the cute little son of Mahesh Babu is grabbing the headlines every where with the cameo at ‘Khaleja’ audio release function. After Mahesh getting onto the Twitter vehicle, his family life and attachments with his son Gautham and wife Namratha has made his Fans further more attached to Super Star family.
Going into a flash back of few years, Mahesh Babu was seen as a shy full hero who never opened his social life very much in contrast to his father Super Star Krishna. Late in his age and career that Mahesh understood the importance of Fans and now he is at the closest and best.
During the audio release yesterday at Radio Mircho office, there was a best compliment that the same shy full quality of Mahesh was observed in Gautham too as he was seen shrinking back to the safety of his mother every time when new guests tried to shake the hand. As Gautham is grown up in a protective atmosphere, his behavior resembled the fresh days of Mahesh in the industry.
So, here is a coincidence which offers confidence for Fans that Mahesh is soon to rise as Super Star while Gautham is ready to occupy the position of Prince.