As part of election campaigning, AP BJP's president Somu Veerraju and the Telangana BJP's president Bandi Sanjay reportedly associated with a big number of Kapu caste people at Vanasthalipuram, a few days ago.
Reportedly, Somu said, "Bandi Sanjay is a Kapu. And I belong to the Kapu community. This is enough to say how the BJP high command respects our community that has a huge percentage of population in Telugu states. Also, BJP has decided to make Janasena Party's chief Pawan Kalyan the next CM of AP forming an alliance with the party."
Somu's speech received overwhelming response from the people who turned up to the meeting. Somu Veerraju' speech divulges the fact that the BJP has determined to get closer the 27% Kapu caste people allocating the top positions to the Kapu leaders in the party.
It is also predicted that a big number of Munnooru Kapu caste voters would cast their votes to the BJP in GHMC polls.