Bigg Boss reality show first season was successfully hosted by young tiger NTR who couldn’t continue to be part of the show due to his busy schedules. Natural Star Nani hosted Bigg Boss season 2. He was trolled as he failed to command contestants like a boss. Then, came in King Nagarjuna as host for Bigg Boss season 3 which garnered good response.
Curiously, Nagarjuna before taking up the job as Bigg Boss host made shocking comments on the show saying ‘Bigg Boss is voyeuristic’. He faced flak from the netizens when he joined the show as host for season 3. However, he won good marks for successfully hosting the show.
Nagarjuna continued to host Bigg Boss 4. But, he is once again facing criticism for all the corners for being biased towards few contestants. He is hardly expressing his personal views and he is acting strictly under the direction of the makers.
Though Monal Gajjar was polled lesser votes, Kumar Sai faced the elimination. In fact, he is given least importance in the house. He is completely projected in a negative manner, still he could survive for all these weeks. Finally, they kept their rule aside to save Monal Gajjar, as they feel her triangular love story could fetch TRP ratings.
The viewrs have lost faith over the voting system and Nagarjuna, as well as the show organizers are getting trolled badly on social media. Particularly, they didn’t like the way Nagarjuna reacted when Akhil showed his attitude on Kumar Sai.
When Kumar Sai said, “Akhil nuv inka baga adali,” Akhil reacted unpleasantly, “nuv baga aadi kuda baita unnav.” The worse part was Nagarjuna said, “Neeke Padindi”. Many opine that, had NTR was in Nag’s place, he would have cautioned Akhil for his bad manners. “Nag garu is unfit for BB,” reacted a netizen.
Kumar Sai supporters hope that Nagarjuna will give him a chance to direct his film. Will that really happen?