Boyapati Srinu has different style in casting actors for his films. Jagapath Babu in Legend, Aadhi Pinisetty in Sarrainodu and Vivek Oberoi in Vinaya Vidheya Rama. Now, for his latest flick with Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna, Boyapati planned to sign young hero Naveen Polishetty to play a vital role. But, it seems, the actor rejected the offer.
Naveen Polisetty scored his firtst super hit as solo hero with Agent Sai Srinivasa Ahreya for which he also worked as screenplay writer along with its director Swaroop. Bollywood film Chichchore where Naveen played one of the lead roles also turned out to be a blockbuster.
Naveen Polishetty who is also a popular stand-up comedian will next be seen in Jathi Ratnalu which is in post-production stage.
Given the current promising form, Naveen seems doesn't want to take unwanted risk by taking up roles of negative or other character artist roles.