Ferocious actor Rajasekhar is waiting for a proper breakthrough at this late career stage. Though nothing is going on expected lines, we heard that Tamil director Venkat Prabhu came in as a new lifeline for Rajasekhar by narrating a novel plotline which the actor loved, accepted immediately.
Meanwhile, Rajasekhar has got PSV Garudavega to complete. Later on, he might join Venkat Prabhu for the Tamil film. Apparently, this can be a wise choice from him because Kollywood can be the right space when Tollywood isn’t offering much.
Apparently, Rajasekhar is interested to take up new and experimental scripts. Buzz in Tamil film industry began to catch up because Venkat Prabhu holds a strong reputation of having worked with star heroes like Ajith, Suriya. Stepping into Tamil cinema should prove beneficial for Rajasekhar and hope his fortunes get a revival in Chennai.