After delivering an industry hit ‘Gabbar Singh’ with Pawan Kalyan, there was a vacuum in director Harish Shankar’s career owing to one flop ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ and an average grosser ‘Subramanyam for Sale.’ Finally, Harish got one more life line in the name of ‘Dj - Duvvada Jagannadham’ with Allu Arjun in title role, bankrolled by Dil Raju.
Undoubtedly, Dj is the title resounding with high comic quotient and Harish Shankar is a reliable brand when it comes to entertaining treatment. We also heard that, Harish is the key man behind sketching Achari character in Junior NTR ‘Adhurs’ which came out extra ordinarily. Though, we have many cross references to Brahmin protagonists in Telugu cinema history, heroically ‘Adhurs’ stand at top.
Big question for now is, will Duvvada Jagganadham have any cross references with Adhurs Achari or is this one altogether a new thought scripted by Harish? Beyond all these, Bunny’s makeover as Dj released in the form of first look poster yesterday is received to magnanimous response.