Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan's 'Dangal' has taken box office by storm ever since it got released. Besides, the content of this biopic inspired the youth to the core. Meanwhile, Power Star Pawan Kalyan, who usually keeps himself away posting film based tweets, has all praises for 'Dangal'.
"My whole hearted congratulations to Sri Aamir Khan & team on the success of their peerless, matchless and outstanding biopic 'Dangal'. I had seen it a day back and felt my conscience would choke me id don't express what I feel. Sri Aamir Khan with his sublime performance; captured the hearts of millions across the globe," tweeted Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan Kalyan's 'Katamarayudu' is on the sets at the moment. The film is planned for early summer release and most probably the release date maybe locked to March 29. Shruti Haasan has done opposite to him in this Dolly'd directorial venture. Sharat Marar is the producer.