Power Star Pawan Kalyan's new movie will start rolling down in the month of August. Meanwhile, the star has graced prestigious 'Mirchi Music Awards' as a chief guest which was also attended by Victory Venkatesh, Tamil hero Vikram, Allu Sirish, Manchu lakshmi, Devi Sri Prasad and many other celebs.
Pawan Kalyan's handsome look at the event was thought to be the same look that the star to be seen in his next venture to be directed by Dolly. The movie is currently under pre production phase. Shruthi Haasan will be romancing Pawan Kalyan in this commercial entertainer.
According to the reports, the film will made under village backdrop. Anup Rubens will provide the music of the movie. Sharat Marrar produces the movie on Northstar Entertainment. The movie may release for summer, 2017.