It was reported by all leading web media houses four days back that Prince Mahesh's 'Brahmotsavam' Nizam rights were sold out to Abhishek Pictures for Rs.16.20 crores on outright basis. As Mahesh's previous film 'Srimanthudu' was sold out to Rs.14.40 crores then, Rs.16 crores was said to be an affordable price for 'Brahmotsavam'.
Some of the fans and anti fans, however, got confused with the report of an English daily today, as it published a different pre biz number for 'Brahmotsavam'. According to the newspaper, 'Brahmotsavam' Nizam area's rights were sold out to Rs.21 crores. Incidentally, 'Sardaar Gabbar Singh' was earlier sold out to Rs.21 crores in the territory.
Having read the news, some of the fans believed the pre biz numbers published by the newspaper while some other movie folks felt the pre biz numbers were either bloated or a printing error. On the contrary, some of the sensible fans feel this huge pre biz number turns out to be problematic, if the movie can't collect the share of Rs.21 crores in the territory. All in all, everyone wish genuine pre biz and shares from 'Brahmotsavam's team.