Sailesh Kolanu's crime thriller HIT 2 turned out to be a hit at the box office. The film starring Adivi Sesh in the lead was released today and got a good response from movie lovers and rave reviews from all quarters. They are now eagerly waiting for HIT 3 which features Natural Star Nani in the lead. It is known that HIT1, starred Vishwak Sen in the lead.
Now even as movie lovers are talking about HIT Universe, people of Andhra Pradesh are talking about HIT Universe in Ap Politics. Many say they have witnessed Chandra Babu Naidu as the hero in HIT 1 and are now witnessing Jagan Mohan Reddy as the hero in HIT2. People say Power Star Pawan Kalyan will be powering the HIT Universe, with HIT3.
Now the question is whether reel-life HIT did well or real-life HIT. People are of the opinion that Ap Politics HIT fared better than the HIT on the screen. At first, Chandra Babu Naidu showed stars to the people and now Jagan Mohan Reddy is showing his power making people run for over. Now all eyes are on Pawan Kalyan and whether he will score a blockbuster in real life and in politics just like he did in reel life and films.