Numerous films are testing their luck at the box office in Tollywood and after the end of their theatrical run, they are bracing for OTT streaming. Recent Tollywood films are bracing for OTT streaming on December 9. This includes Samantha's medical thriller Yashoda, Allu Sirish's romantic entertainer Urvasivo Rakshasivo, Nithin's political thriller Macherla Niyojaka Vargam and Santosh Sobhan's Like Share and Subscribe.
Samantha's Yashoda got tremendous responses at the box office and the film is a medical thriller directed by Hari and Harish. With Samantha completing the film despite suffering from ill health, the sympathy wave helped her. The film will be streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Similarly Allu Sirish, son of Allu Aravind and brother of Allu Arjun, a long-time entertained movie lovers with Urvasivo Rakshasivo. The film turned out to be a good hit. The film was directed by Rakesh Sashi and starred Anu Emmanuel as the female lead. The film is streaming on Aha OTT on December 9.
Nithin's Macherla Niyojaka Vargam directed by MS.Rajasekhar Reddy is slated for OTT streaming on Zee 5 on December 9. The film starred Krithi Shetty in the lead and Anjali sizzled in a special song.
Santosh Sobhan's Life Share and Subscribe is streaming on Sony Live on December 9. The film starred Fiara Abdullah as the female lead and is directed by Merlapaka Gandhi.