Movie lovers and the fans of Rowdy Star Vijay Devarakonda got stunned when the makers of Liger released a poster that showed Vijay Devarakonda going nude. While many heroines heaped praises on Vijay Devarakonda's macho look and dare bare act, trollers had the field day.
They went on a rampage and questioned the makers as to how can Vijay Devarakonda, who is playing the role of a mixed martial arts expert can go nude and said they are just indulging in a publicity stunt copying Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan's PK look where he had a reason to do so.
But many sports lovers who are aware of mixed martial arts sports reveal the reason behind the Liger team's stunning poster and Vijay Devarakonda's daring nude act. MMA sport requires all the players to go nude as the organizers are particular about the physical attributes of the participants. Hope the trollers got the answer for the Liger team's poster.