Aadi Sai Kumar is starring in an interesting project titled in a crazy manner as Crazy Fellow. The film directed by Phanikrishna Siriki is progressing at a brisk pace. According to the latest, the makers came up with an interesting update. They revealed that the film's first single will be released on June 3, 2022, at 6.03 PM. Sharing the details, the makers released a new poster in which Aadi struck a romantic poster with the female lead. Aadi is romancing hot beauties Digangana Suryavanshi and Mrinaa Menon.
Aadi Sai Kumar will be sporting a completely different look in the film and the director penned a novel story for Aadi. Dhruvan is the music director while Satya Giduturi is the editor for the film produced by Sri Sathya Sai Arts. Cinematography is handled by Satish Muthyala.
Apart from it, Aadi has lined up projects like Tees Maar Khan, Jungle, Kirathaka, CSI Sanathan, Amaran In The City-Chapter 1, etc.