Biggest Tamil Nadu political rivals, AIADMK supreme Jayalalitha and DMK head Karunanidhi have fought many infamous ugly political battles but when it comes to off the field relations, they two are warmth at heart for each other.
DMK cadres remained shell shocked with Jayalalitha passing away and there is no other best way they could have put the expression into words. This is one of the best condolence messages wetting the eyes of Amma's political followers in Southern India.
“We have lost a brave opponent. 1000 politicians may come but none can match up to you, a brave warrior. You’ve overtaken our leader in death too, why so soon? Our Thalapathy have to search for a worthy opponent now. You will live in the hearts of our leaders. Where will we go and search for an equal competitor now? We are so much saddened with your loss.” Isn’t this so beautiful?
“J Jayalalithaa’s name and fame will remain forever,” said DMK president Karunanidhi.