Allari Naresh would have been definitely upset with his last outing ‘Selfie Raja’ opened to mediocre response from audience, critics and trade circles. Though producer Anil Sunkara claims that the film has almost breakeven by Sunday but Naresh needs much bigger success than this to claim his lost sudden stardom. So, Naresh is concentrating on next outing ‘Intlo Dayyam – Naakenti Bhayyam.’
Horror-comedy has become a familiar and minimum guarantee genre of late. Many struggling heroes and budding directors achieved much needed success by experimenting on this genre. Apparently, Naresh entered a bit really late into horror-comedy subjects because this area is over-juiced and there’s only dry pulp remaining.
Director Nageshwar Reddy is of course a specialist in handling the comedy. Teaming of Naresh and Nageshwar Reddy is promisingly quite special because this combination had two hits films, ‘Seema Shastri’ and ‘Seema Tapakay’ to credit. Arundhathi, familiar artist in Tamil and Kannada industries is playing the ghost. Let us see, how far the devil and Naresh thrills us in ‘Intlo Dayyam – Naakenti Bhayyam.’